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Advanced Search Syntax

1. Exact Match

Use quotes ("") for exact keyword matching. For example:

"data analysis"

This searches for documents containing the exact phrase "data analysis".

Use intitle: to search within document titles. For example:


This finds documents with "analysis" in the title.

For an exact title match, place the search phrase in quotes and use intitle:, for example:

"intitle:data analysis"

This searches for documents with the exact title "data analysis".

Use AND and OR to combine multiple search criteria for refined results.

AND Combination

Use AND to match all specified terms. For example:

"data analysis" AND "machine learning"

This finds documents containing both "data analysis" and "machine learning".

OR Combination

Use OR to match any of the specified terms. For example:

"data analysis" OR "big data"

This finds documents containing either "data analysis" or "big data".

Hamsterbase allows combining intitle:, exact matches, and AND/OR operators for complex searches. For example:

"intitle:data analysis" AND ("machine learning" OR "big data")

This finds documents with the exact title "data analysis" and containing either "machine learning" or "big data".


Example 1: Find documents with the title "project management" and containing either "progress" or "cost".

"intitle:project management" AND (progress OR cost)

Example 2: Find documents with the exact title "annual summary".

"intitle:annual summary"

Example 3: Find documents containing both "artificial intelligence" and "data mining".

"artificial intelligence" AND "data mining"

Example 4: Find documents with titles containing "deep learning" and also containing "image processing".

"intitle:deep learning" AND "image processing"